Our list of STAR Libraries Keeps Growing

After an announcement about the STAR Checklist on ILL-L, we’re happy to announce the addition of more and more STARS!

Armstrong State University/Lane Library

Florida Gulf Coast University Library
We send emails or call if it is necessary.

Greene County Public Library
GRC began cataloging via Skyriver in 2013. As our collection is constantly weeded and updated, many of our new holdings are not discoverable via worldcat.

Greensboro College

Portland Public Library

SUNY New Paltz / Sojourner Truth Library

University of West Georgia/Ingram Library

Valdosta State University/Odum Library:
We initiated a campus document delivery service for faculty and staff some years ago when we got ILLIAD, but recently started pulling books and bound journals found in our collection on requests submitted by any students and checked out the books and put them on hold and scanned the articles and sent them through document delivery via ILLIAD. That way we ensured the students got them, whereas we weren’t always sure that was the case when we merely cancelled the requests and told them where to find them.