The Rethinking Resource Sharing Committee is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our third series of monthly Twitter chats this Fall, starting next Wednesday, September 30th, from 12-1pm Eastern Time.
Our first topic will be: “E-Books And Beyond!” The publishing industry says ebooks have been a mixed bag for readers, but as libraries continue to acquire them our need to effectively share them via ILL becomes less and less of a theoretical issue and more and more important to our ongoing operations. What’s coming next in the history of the book, and are we prepared for it? Ryan Litsey from Texas Tech University will be joining us to talk about the Occam’s Reader project.
Join us on the #RRSChat hashtag next Wednesday (9/30) at 12 noon Eastern Time!
Here is a schedule of future chats and chat topics:
Friday, October 30, 12-1pm Eastern Time. “ILL Horror Stories”, our first-ever Halloween themed #RRSChat! Join us for a lively (or perhaps even undead) conversation about when resource sharing has gone horribly wrong. Bring your own tale of ILL horror to share/scare with your colleagues!
Monday, November 23, 12-1pm Eastern Time. “Consortial Borrowing/Lending, State Library Systems, and Other Alternate Resource Sharing Platforms”. Do you belong to a consortium or state/community ILL network? How do you incorporate discovery and fulfillment into your existing resource sharing workflows? Join us for a discussion about existing alternatives to OCLC and traditional ILL and take a whirlwind tour of some successful experiments in community-based resource sharing platforms.
Friday, December 18, 12-1pm Eastern Time. “Resource Sharing Behind The Scenes- How to use promotion and advertising to put a face behind the ILL transaction.” Interlibrary loan is the quintessential back-office operation- sometimes we are so invisible that patrons don’t even know we exist! How do we make our services visible to our stakeholders and help patrons help us with fulfilling their ILL requests? We’ll take a look at some ILL shops which have done successful public outreach, and hopefully share some of our own efforts with the group.
We hope to see you on Twitter on the #RRSChat for some or all of these upcoming chats! And special thanks to all of you who filled out our survey over the summer: our dates/times and list of chat topics for this year are both the direct result of your input.
– Tom Bruno, your #RRSChat host