“The European Commission is thinking about the future of copyright in the EU, and your input can push them into the right direction.” Fair use and the right for libraries to share information is part of copyright law in the…
ILL for e-books in Italy
“MediaLibraryOnLine (http://www.medialibrary.it/) is the first Italian network of digital public libraries.” Learn more at: http://www.libraries.wright.edu/noshelfrequired/2013/11/19/italys-medialibraryonline-experimenting-with-ill-for-ebooks/
Declaration of Kunming at the Asian Library Curator Forum
“More than 80 chief librarians and representatives from Asian countries and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions signed the Declaration of Kunming at the Asian Library Curator Forum…The curators proposed establishing a long-term cooperative relationship among libraries to…
Next Twitter #RRSChat set for 11/18, 1 pm EST
Thanks to all who joined our last #RRSChat via Twitter and a special thanks to our moderator, @oodja, for leading the charge. Next up is international ILL. Date is Monday November 18th, time is 1:00 pm EST: International ILL is…
Next Twitter #RRSChat set for 10/28, 2 pm EST
Rethinking Resource Sharing is pleased to continue our monthly series of Twitter chats next Monday, October 28th at 2pm EST. Our next chat topic will be: “E-Books, Licenses, and Copyright (Oh, My!)” The digital revolution is changing libraries as a…
Upcoming Twitter #RRSChat about ILL and Rethinking Resource Sharing
Join the Rethinking Resource Sharing community to talk ILL Best and Worst Practices! Do you have an ILL policy/procedure that you’re particularly proud of and want to share? Do you have a pet peeve about something that other libraries do…